Claims Loss Reporting Procedure
In the event of a loss, contact the Everen Specialty Ltd. Claims Department in accordance with policy terms.
Liability: Everen Specialty Claims Notifications
Property: Everen Specialty Property Claims Notifications
Reinsurance: Everen Specialty Reinsurance Claims
Everen Specialty Ltd., P.O. Box HM 1751, Hamilton HMGX, Bermuda.
(441) 295-0351 (The fax header should read “Everen Specialty Ltd. Notification”)
Communications submitted in the above manner will be received by the following personnel:
Matt Pifer, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary: Ext. 224
Jill Burns-Leman, Excess Casualty Claims Manager: Ext. 266
Mikal Thomas, Claims Manager, Everen Specialty: Ext. 206
Claims personnel may be contacted during Everen Specialty’s regular business hours via the switchboard at (441) 295-0905 using the extensions quoted above.